Thursday, July 25, 2013

Welcome to the real world...sort of

First blog post! Cause for some celebration, I think.

Med school orientation begins in less than four days! In order to capture the journey over the next four years and beyond, I decided to start this blog. I hope to look back some time in the not-so-distant future (or maybe sometime far far away) and reminisce over the small details I may have forgotten, chart my growth throughout my studies, and most importantly, laugh at my MS1 naïveté.

I've titled this blog "the scrub life" in order to encompass all things that might be related to my adventures as a med student. This includes books that I have read (yes, other than textbooks) and recipes that I attempt which turn out reasonably well, i.e. are edible and presentable to people other than my mother.

Here we go...but time for some ice cream first.


  1. Tal!! Love the name of your blog! Can't wait to read your posts! Thanks for taking us along on your journey:)!

  2. You did it!!! The Daily life of a med student and most importantly our friend. Excited to see the adventures coming your way! :)

  3. Yay! I look forward to reading about your crazy adventures up North :)
